Infant Feeding Specialist &
Postnatal Doula
Erin Zohrehie
Course Provider

I am so thankful to be serving new families. Feel free to get in touch via text message on 07403198152
I am a POSTNATAL DOULA. What's that you ask? It is a 'wrap around' type care, because there is nothing worse than exhausted and stressed out new parents. New parents need practical help as well as emotional support. After the arrival of a baby, there is the need to have a well-deserved rest, the chance to recover, and to bond with the new addition. With my POSTNATAL DOULA support, you will be able to look back on this time as being one of the most precious of your whole life. This support includes simple meals, general tidy ups, and newborn care.
If you've had your baby, usually time is of the essence, so don't hesitate to call me on 07403198152. If you are expecting a baby, be sure to book early to avoid disappointment.
Erin has teamed up with Victoria from Younique Postnatal to provide the course 'Intuitive Infant Feeding' for pre and postnatal practitioners. For more information you can visit-
Postnatal Doula Support

Postnatal Doula sessions provide ‘wrap-around’ care to new parents. There are practical matters such as general tidy-ups and nourishing meals, which can make life with a newborn so much easier! A typical session lasts approximately three hours. There would be ample time for mum and baby to bond, for you to get plenty of rest and to recover from the birth, and to enjoy healthy home-made meals. Listening and empathy is part of the emotional support side, and can help prevent postnatal depression.
Each session is different because new parents have needs that change drastically from day to day. For an example of what a session might include - it's an extra pair of hands around the house.
meals (as mentioned above)
entertaining a toddler or older child
helping with a school run
changing nappies
bathing baby
winding baby (I have an excellent method!)
holding baby while mum has a rest or a shower
helping with pets
grocery shopping
driving to an appointment if necessary
It's also a listening ear and usually reassuring parents about normal newborn behaviour. This can save an enormous amount of anxious worry. My aim is to have parents look back at this period of time as being one of the best of their entire lives!
©2022 by Erin Zohrehie

Look at this bit of nature's beautiful
Female humans are also designed
beautifully to make enough milk for
their babies. Don't let culture,
rumours, or subtle marketing
undermine your confidence in this
precious fact.